Monday, 10 January 2011

What scares me.

I'm scared that one day my eye sight will get really bad not even glasses will be able to cure it.
I'm scared that Jehovah's witnesses will get into my house.
I'm scared that I'll wake up with a dagger on my pillow and dead bodies at the foot of my bed and know nothing.
I'm scared that one day I'll lose all my creative juices and write boring blogs about financial growth.
I'm scared that one day my family and friends won't recognise me.
I'm scared that I'll be like everyone else.
I'm scared that I'll hurt someone really badly.
I'm scared that I'll have no future career and I'll opt for the prostitution.
I'm scared that my feet will fall off due to cold weather.
I'm scared that I'll never see snow again.
I'm scared that my brother will turn evil normal.
I'm scared that I'll never see blue sky or the sun, just clouds.
I'm scared that I'll wake up with a ladybird on my nose.
I'm scared that I'll get so spoilt Ill take the smaller things for granted.
I'm scared that in the future everyone will become so narrow minded they wont accept people who are the tiniest bit different to them.
I'm scared that people who read this blog will find out through scrutinising tiny details where I live, get offended by something or another and find me and savagely kill me. Or bow down at my feet.
I'm scared that Ill forget how to be happy.
I'm scared that this post will go on forever and my blog will get a bad name as being the rambling thoughts of a half maniac.

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